viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


There are three basically schools of thought from which teacher can correct oral mistakes
1. Correct often and throughly.
2. Let the students make mistakes.
3. Make selecting correction

There are three basic approaches to correct written mistakes:
  1. Correct each mistake
  2. Give a general impression marking
  3. Underline mistakes or give clues to the type of mistakes make, and then, let students correct the word by themselves.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


Check this link for more information!


We have to be able to teach in every circumstance that can be presented, for example, teaching to beginners is a good option to start the process. It is important to remember that the most beginners have had no contact with English and It can be a little bit stressful.
The first thing that they should learn, it would be some vocabulary with the aid of images, similar to the process that the kids have when they learn the mother tongue. In this line, using the mother tongue to teach English it can be a good option for teaching some grammar rules or word lists.
In this process, the teacher can use some specific methods like:
The Audiolingual method and the Total Physical Response.

On the other hand, it can be another different situation. When there are multi-levels in a class, it can present two concepts about this; the first one includes students who communicate in English at a variety of different levels, and the second one includes students with different types of learning backgrounds. For all of these, the teacher has to find appropriate sources and material, also it is important to determine individual needs of each student, and in this way he should organize appropriate groups in the class taking into account the level of the students.


If they are children, as teachers we have to be dynamic and very creative with every single activity that we are doing, because we have to catch the children's attention. Add we have to organize a "Plan B" with a lot of activities which will be colorful and funny for the kids, also it is important to recognize their cognitive process to have a good classroom management. It can be achieved with individual activities because the kids can not work in groups yet.

If they are teenagers, we have to take into account a real context (realia) where they can develop their identity from what they are living. They are difficult to motivate and manage, for that reason, the teacher can use some material that will help to treat them as intelligent and well human beings, like; the music, games, group -work, role - playing and acting,etc ...

If they are adults, It would be easier because they want to be in the classroom. So it is very important to make an excellent job. Here as teachers we have to respect the students' different learning styles, they can be visual, auditory or kinesthetic, also it is necessary to allow the students to experiment what they are learning, for example, with small group discussions,experiments, role playing,etc...

An example:

Teaching Kindergarten Kids English



A command is a specific way to direct students to start and stop activities. It can be a big help to develop the class in a better way.

  • They are brief
  • They are delivered one at a time
  • They are used clearly
  • They avoid an authoritative tone of voice
  • They avoid long explanations or justifications


Some of the necessary things to improve the learning-teaching process, are:

It is good to know some methods to implement in our daily teaching practice, because it will help us to find different ways and strategies to teach in a better way the English as a foreign language.


Silent Way

Natural Approach

Total Physical Response

Communicative Approach


To remind, we bring you some key concepts in which is based all our teachers' work...

What is Teaching?
It is an activity conducted for 3 elements: a teacher, the students and the knowledge that will be taught.
However, the teacher's task is not limited to the transmission of knowledge, but also to guide the students.

For this, it is necessary that the teacher will adapt to the students' needs, and some teaching styles, that we will develop in this blog.

What is Learning?
It is a process to acquire new knowledge.
It is necessary that the teacher takes into account how to teach some learning strategies or techniques, which will help the students to acquire the knowledge that they want to.
Some of this strategies are:
- Cognitive
- Memory
- Compensation
- Social
- Communication
The idea with these strategies is to awake the autonomy and the desire for learning English.

What is Didactics?
It is the group of different technologies that are applied to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge.